Baby puke. . . our first exposure to it was this morning. Smelly, nasty, all through her hair baby puke. The picture I should have gotten was her, being held by her Daddy who’d just unhappily discovered the night’s results. Her hair was sticking up and matted with bits of her dinner from the previous night and she positively reeked, but she had her normal morning wondrously happy to see us face. Funny, just to see the difference between her face and Daddy’s.
She seems fine. We think it was either the beginnings of the cold Jas and I both have, or that the turkey deli meat we gave her the previous evening _really_ didn’t agree with her. Either way, no further episodes, no fever, happy baby, and seriously cleaned crib sheets.
You wouldn’t happen to have a picture, would you? I’d guess this one would look great on his office door.