Baby food

Laura’s blog for today mentioned baby shower games that have the attendees distinguishing baby food carrots from squash. We’ve tasted each of the flavors of baby food that we’ve given Cora, and for the most part, they’re pretty awful. The veggies and fruit are OK, but when you get to the meats, bleccch! What evils we do to our childrens’ tastebuds in the name of what? It’s not nutrition, since at this age our daughter’s still getting most of her nutrients from formula. We’re gradually transitioning more and more to solid food, but she’s still probably getting 50% of her food intake from a bottle.

Speaking of baby food, Grandma C. let us know yesterday that she had heard of an infant formula recall. Scary things – they tell you that there’s some organism that may be in your child’s formula and that may (emphasis on may, as in, in this case, very minute chance) make her very ill. For car seats, cribs, toys, etc, you’re supposed to fill out a product safety card so that they can let you know that some piece may break off if your child manipulates the product in ways hithertofor unseen by humans. But for formula, that stuff you’re putting directly into your child’s system, the recall information is buried on the health section of CNN. And it’s not even a lead news story on the Health section of CNN! For that kind of thing, I want bells and whistles to start flashing, my home phone to start ringing, the formula can itself to lock itself shut. . .


  1. Luckily we didn’t have to smell them! Just look. I’ve heard some of those baby foods are pretty pungent. Poor little tykes.

  2. you should try some of the food at the Dining Facility here in Korea. I try to only eat one meal a day there if possible, just in case the food is as bad for me as it tastes!
    As far as the formula recall goes, is it one Cora eats regularly?

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