Was dismayed to discover this morning that O’Reilly is no longer putting on in-person conferences, to include the wonderful OSCON conference I so enjoyed both attending and presenting for. I tripped across that news today when I went to find links to my previous talks (2014, 2016). Both talks were based around the idea of delivering the bad news that your build is broken by way of obnoxious Furby chatter. I had submitted talk topics for several years before that first talk got picked up – guess the conference review assessors similarly thought Furbies might be hard to look away from.
So, farewell, OSCON, Strata, and an abundance of other conferences. I’ve been finding my geek conference fix in other places of late, more related to cyber, and it’s not as if there isn’t an abundance of ways to learn in person and online. But OSCON will forever hold a sweet spot in my heart.