Seattle’s got nothing on us! According to the Post, our area’s only seen 17 clear days this year, compared to our usual average of 36. It’s rained every day for what seems like weeks. Our lawn is growing, both grass and mushrooms, and there’s been no opportunity to cut it because the brief periods of dry weather per day haven’t been long enough to dry out the lawn. My poor garden doesn’t have a thing in it yet. Time to get out there in my raincoat and plant between the raindrops.
My daughter’s even given up on asking to go outside. Instead we spend hours either reading (the same books, over and over again), or she asks to see her Baby Einstein videos (the same videos, over and over again).
Make the rain stop! Our first hope of some partly sunny weather, though remarkably cold for us for June, will be next Monday. Between then, it’s just more clouds and showers and thunderstorms.
Maybe it’s time for a vacation to Seattle! Might catch some sun!