I need to be at work earlier this week than normal. We’re giving training on Docker and Kubernetes, and the first class session starts at 8. The classroom needs to be open earlier than that, and I want to be in and settled before the first student arrives.
That’s meant that I’ve set up a whole system of wakeup alarms, between my phone and my alarm clock. The phone has multiple staggered times, and the clock has another one. That’s to handle the challenge of sleeping through or turning off an alarm and remaining in bed. But that means that once I’m up and moving, there can be multiple alarms that still go off. Did I mention that my husband _doesn’t_ need to get up earlier this week?
I’m now thinking through my optimum user interface to let me say, I’m up, keep the rest of the alarms from going off. Is it: no more alarms at all today? Is it: no more alarms within the next two hours? Is it: show me a table of the alarms yet to go off this morning and let me turn them all off in one quick move? Is it: here are my wakeup alarms – turn them all off, yet leave reminder alarms for later in the day?
Oh, and I’m hunting for the source code for the existing Alarm clock app and widget. The app has an option to let me see its open-source licenses (Apache, MIT). That bodes good things for getting to try something out.. I’ve only done minimal Android development before, just enough to make a UI to control a Furby. I like the idea of solving a personal concern and getting to play in geekery. Now we’ll see if liking the idea actually translates into hours spent sometime.